Safety & Security

Student Safety And Security

In order to provide a safe, secure environment for children and staff, the following policies and procedures have been implemented.


Student safety and security•All persons enter and exit through secured and monitored gated entry, which is on closed-circuit television and other surveillance cameras monitor our parking lot.  The front office overlooks the entry and is continually staffed.  All other access to buildings and grounds are locked, with high fences and gates.

•Our staff monitor children being picked up.  When staff recognizes the person who is picking up the child as “authorized” by registration sheet information, the child is released to the “authorized” person.  Otherwise, staff asks the person who wishes to pick up the child for a picture I.D., then uses the intercom to reach the office to check if this person is authorized to pick up the child.

•Preschool students are signed in and out; elementary students are signed out.  Students can only be picked up by an authorized adult.

•There are established procedures for situations if an adult arrives to pick up a student and staff is unsure if that person can safely transport and/or care for the child.

•Staff members must pass Department of Justice fingerprint clearance and Child Abuse Index.


•El Rancho School does not accept students whose on-going behavior and choices have a negative impact on the school population.

•Staff receives training in transmission of germs and follows appropriate procedures to minimize that transmission.

•Staff receives training in blood pathogens and uses appropriate safeguards, including wearing gloves.

•Staff receives training to conduct a health check of each student as they arrive.

•Staff trains children to follow safety procedures indoors and outdoors.

•Staff receives training and certificate in CPR and First Aid.

•Refrigerated medicine is kept in a locked box.

•There are established procedures for staff administration of medicine.

•There are established procedures, posted outdoor “wait here” stations, and monthly fire drill practices.

There is vigilant supervision of students, attention to building and equipment maintenance, and constant observation of visitors

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